Tag: Health
A Map of Transformation from IONS
The article below from IONS includes an interesting diagram showing the paths and “pitfalls” found along the way of spiritual trans formative paths. The people studied followed many different roads to transformation. It is my belief that a path that offers a combination of energy, psychology, and spirituality offers a path that is more likely…
The Secret to Reliable Core Strength and Vitality: Facing Change
Where can we tap into core strength and maintain calm and vitality during times of change as well as to have a firm foundation of safety, security and self care to live from? Learning to manage our energy and live from an expanded consciousness provided by our field of higher awareness lays the groundwork for…
How to Restore Ease and Balance in Times of Change
Change can be navigated more easily when root chakra energy is strong and balanced. Our energy and nervous systems —the state of our inner nation—-determines how we will experience, process, and respond to change. The strength, resonance and alignment of our personal energy also affect what and how we will create in our new world.…
Meditation, Laughter and Spirituality Promote Health
Humor, music and spirituality can boost your mood, but growing evidence suggests that they also offer physical benefits
Master Subtle Energy of the Chakras for Spiritual Growth
Master Subtle Energy: An energetic perspective benefits Opens the door to a deeper awareness concerning our true nature Offers a broader lens to view life through Provides more options for discovery, promoting health and healing Facilitates easier access to insight, creativity, intuition and spirituality Healthy Subtle Energy Flows Like a River For a moment imagine…
Free Relaxation Download: Release Stress and Revitalize Your Energy
Free relaxation recording on Living Energy Works Facebook page