Tag: Health
Change Management: 3 Steps for Success Using Energy and Consciousness
Successful change management using subtle energy requires three components of focus: An ample supply of energy Balanced and unobstructed flow of energy Coherence…smooth, even and ordered energy Successful Change Management Requires a Healthy Amount of Energy Step 1: Generate An Ample Supply of Energy Common sense healthy practices help to build a healthy supply of…
Secondary PTSD! What is necessary for comprehensive self-care?
How can we shift into higher vibrations when stress is overwhelming? [caption id="attachment_13330" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Heart Intelligence: the Science that Underlies Health and Freedom from Stress
Our hearts are not merely biological pumps that work diligently on our behalf throughout our lives with little maintenance or care although that by itself is pretty spectacular! Recent Research Regarding Heart and Its Function….
Authentic Self, Energy, and Personal Power
Authentic self is the real you –unencumbered by fear, outmoded scripts and heavy burdens … the authentic self lives in flow with purpose, passion, creativity, harmony, and balance. The process of uncovering our authentic self requires healing of past wounds and embracing our inner power. This has been referred to as the path of the spiritual…
Managing Energy Disruptions
Our energy is our power. Dissipating it or binding it in negativity renders us powerless.