Tag: Health
What you need to know about the brow chakra and intuition
Brow Chakra, Intuition and Clairvoyance The brow chakra and its relationship to intuition and clairvoyance are fairly well known. Many of us seek to increase our abilities here without truly understanding the concept of balance in flow of energy both within a chakra and within the system as a whole. Consequently, problems can arise as…
Removing Energy Blockages for Stress Reduction, Improved Health and Creativity
Removing Energy Blockages and Holistic Practices Blocks to the free flow of energy can be removed through a variety of approaches. Practitioners skilled in massage, energy work or acupuncture can assist you in relieving them. Traditional therapy can play a role in facilitating a release when tools such as hypnosis, imagery, inner child techniques and…
Energy Imbalances and Building Healthy Relationships
Imbalances or distortions in our chakras and energy field lead to problems with our thoughts, feelings and actions. How we experience ourselves, life and others is mediated through our energy field first then travels to the nervous system and the rest of our body and mind.
One Change of Mind That Reduces Stress: Shifting Out of Ego into Soul-Mind
Esoteric traditions see the heart as the space where we can expand into our Observer Self. Some have called this aspect the voice of the Soul. The Observer Self is the part of ourselves that has access to truth with a capital T. It also is that facet of consciousness that allows for creative solutions…
Spiritual Bypassing, Wishful Thinking and Real Change
Spiritual Bypassing and Positivity In recent years there has been an abundance of talk about affirmation, positive thought and creating one’s reality. This has all been wonderful to begin to shift our consciousness from that of victimization to one of empowerment and be open to engaging co-creativity. However there is a downside. Many mistakenly believe all…
How is Authenticity Reflected in Your Aura?
Last weekend I did a chakra workshop locally and had an experience that I would like to share with you as it illustrates the importance and value of understanding your personal energy and having the tools to be able to manage your energy effectively.