Tag: Gratitude
Energy, Gratitude and Heart Matters…!
Using a heart based focus connects you to yourself and to others—-really, not just in concept! Too often we learn a concept and think that it suffices to be of benefit in our lives. It takes a method and a practice to make the concept come alive within ourselves and our lives. This radio show…
An Effective Gratitude Practice
Practicing feeling gratitude opens the deepest doors of your heart so a deeper resonance can emerge, rippling out to touch every facet of your existence. [caption id="attachment_13880" align="alignleft" width="400"] Colors of the Heart by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How do Gratitude and Appreciation Affect Your Energy Field?
Akin to gratitude is appreciation, a quality often used in the HeartMath materials to speak about the feeling that generates positive shifts in physiology. [caption id="attachment_13287" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Is it Spring Yet? Gratitude and Mother Nature
We received a suggestion for a blog post topic, “gratitude to Mother Nature”. My first response to being grateful to Mother Nature after the past couple of years of catastrophic weather around the globe and this winter in the northeast was not a kind one! [caption id="attachment_12248" align="alignleft" width="252"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
5 Tips to Energize Your Day
Your energy system has a direct influence on your mind, body and spirit. It impacts your health, your moods, your outlook on life and much more. By tuning into your personal energy level throughout the day you will feel better and begin to develop a foundation for being able to expand your ability to manage,…
One Simple Step to Health, Happiness and Conscious Creation.
There are of course many things we can do to positively impact our health, happiness and creativity. One very simple tool ..