Tag: God
What Determines Your Power of Choice and Style of Communication?
The throat chakra as the others can have an imbalance with too much or too little energy. Physically trouble with the neck, ears, shoulders, thyroid, or parathyroid can occur. The information that follows gives a clearer picture of what happens when this chakra is not well developed or balanced.
Intention: moving beyond ego into higher consciousness and creativity
To be able to truly move beyond the ego, the lower mind with its average thinking process, into the realm of pure awareness or higher consciousness, requires detachment from the compelling vibrations of lower thought and feeling forms. Working with your energy centers: clearing, balancing and uplifting your energetic frequency allows you to both move…
Love as an Energy Source
It has been said that the very fabric of the universe is love€¦that the basic vibration of the cosmos is unconditional love. As part of the cosmos we have that essence within us.
How Can Caregivers Prevent An Energy Crisis?
Simple steps you can take to replenish your energy while caring for others. [caption id="attachment_13024" align="alignleft" width="256"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Self Care Skill:Tip for Letting Go of Irritability and Anger
3 Steps to Mental and Emotional Freedom