Tag: Energy Healing

  • Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras

    Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras

    INTRODUCTION You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck                                 ~ Jellaludin Rumi The world is meant to be free in You are not beyond love Give up all else other than the place of true belonging Anyone or anything that does not  bring you alive…

  • Self Care and Stress Management: Foundation for Sanity and Health!

    Self Care and Stress Management: Foundation for Sanity and Health!

    Self care and stress management go hand in hand to provide a strong foundation for not only our health but our peace of mind, and emotional well-being. Healthy self care begins with self awareness and continues with effective practices for stress management. We all know that stress is a part of life, but what we…

  • A Balanced Root Chakra: 7 Ways to Boost Vitality, Increase Focus and Promote Inner Peace

    A Balanced Root Chakra: 7 Ways to Boost Vitality, Increase Focus and Promote Inner Peace

    Root chakra balanced energy promotes vitality, peace and focusThese questions will help you gain greater clarity re: how your root chakra energy can be strengthened and balanced. Before answering the questions sit for a moment and sense how you feel regarding the issue rather than how you think about it. Very often our thoughts give…

  • Navigating Change with ease Change

    Navigating Change with ease Change

    Change of any sort sets off the energy of the root chakra. If it is healthy and balanced then it supports navigating change with ease. Most of us however have some issue that involves the root chakra just because we are humans living on earth! Attention to this energy center contributes to health in every…

  • Energy, Stability, Security, Health and Prosperity

    Energy, Stability, Security, Health and Prosperity

    The issues mentioned in the heading of this post are ones that preoccupy most of us at one time or another but become particularly active and stressful during times of change. Energy, stability, security, health and prosperity….all positive states that we desire…and  that we too often seek to remedy outside ourselves regardless of how many…

  • Brow Chakra: Center of Insight, Intuition, Imagery and Dreams

    Brow Chakra: Center of Insight, Intuition, Imagery and Dreams

    BROW CHAKRA The brow chakra is often referred to as the third eye. It is located in the space between and a bit above the eyes. This center is the last place where the three major energy channels — the right, left, and middle (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna) — come together. The right and left…