Change of any sort sets off the energy of the root chakra. If it is healthy and balanced then it supports navigating change with ease. Most of us however have some issue that involves the root chakra just because we are humans living on earth! Attention to this energy center contributes to health in every area of life.
Here is an outline of information about the root chakra that can help you begin to undestand and address its health.
Element = Earth
Keywords: Denser levels of being; physical life; material plane; foundation of Being; ability to manifest
Since the root chakra represents the core of our physical and psychological being, how it was impacted in the first five years of life as it was forming sets the stage for how you will respond to issues around material security, self- care, change in general, survival fears, confidence, ability to be still and general flexibility.
What was happening in your life 0-5 years old? How could this influence the above named issues?
What do you notice happens to you mentally, physically and emotionally when you are faced with changing circumstances?
How do you manage grief and loss big and small?
Signs of a balanced root chakra
Solidly grounded, dynamically alive
Ease with both expansion and contraction
(cycles of life/growth/creativity)
Ability to set appropriate boundaries
Sense of form without rigidity
Healthy distribution of energy
Sense of inner security, safety
Affirmed right to ‘be here’
Strong sense of presence
Ability to relax, be still
Flexible, consistent
Comfort with body
Right livelihood
Good self- care
Looking at each of the qualities of a balanced root chakra how are you doing?
It is important to observe and discern not to judge growth is not possible with debilitating criticism.
A healthy root chakra is one where we can be a kind and loving mother to ourselves as we take sometimes shaky steps into new territory. Developing a good enough mother internally helps to stabilize the root chakra energy!!
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