Tag: emotion
A 10 minute Guided Meditation for Letting go of stress
We continue to go through a variety of feelings associated with navigating our way through this pandemic. We may be up one day, down the next. We may be alternating sleeping too much with disturbed sleep. We may be having feelings that are hard to identify but are fear or anxiety inching closer into our…
What does it take to make energy work for you?
Energy and conscious thought“Until we consciously learn to override the pervasive low frequencies in which we exist, we will keep recycling unpleasant outcomes into our lives day after tiresome day. Just like swimming in salt water, if we don’t wash off the residue, sooner or later it’s going to make us mighty uncomfortable.” Lynn Grabhorn,…
Are You Easily Influenced by the Subtle Energies Around You?
How aware are you of your energy in daily life? Some people are more sensitive than others to subtle energy. Lack of awareness can leave you vulnerable to being affected negatively and drain your energy. Enhanced awareness and development of a few simple “inner technologies” can expand your personal (energy) power, sense of connection to…
Are Your Chakras Blocked?
This article discusses the various ways chakras become damaged. [caption id="attachment_13241" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]