Tag: Diaphragmatic breathing
How to Let Go of Anxiety and Master Change
The mind is awareness on a continuum. Think about it as a river that flows and your experience of it is a function of where you place your attention. Whatever area you focus on becomes reality for that time with all its attendant resources and ecology. If you focus on the portion of the river…
Self-Care 101: An Inner Practice to Strengthen Your Core
A simple, easy practice to reduce stress and strengthen your core, the center of your personal power system. [caption id="attachment_14666" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Managing Energy Disruptions
Our energy is our power. Dissipating it or binding it in negativity renders us powerless.
Energy Blocks: How to Manage Energy Disruptions
Our energy is our power. When we have energy blocks we do not have full access to all our power. How can we begin to become aware of how we are managing our subtle energy?