Tag: Death
How Personal Power Helps to Let Go and Move Forward
Personal Power Unblocked Through Grief There are all sorts of reasons why personal power is difficult to source. Grief can be one way that our energy (our power) is blocked and therefore inaccessible. It is important for all of us to become introspective and assess where we stand vis a vis personal power and grief,…
Mindful Living: Energy Awareness for Success, Health and Prosperity
Each type of personal energy has an optimal use. Thinking about how you can specifically enagage each type of energy to implement your strengths and support your weaker areas can greatly enhance your capacity to create your dreams.
Healing: Your Secret Ally
Proper alignment and attunement of the energies of body, mind and spirit provide us with a clear and present awareness. This awareness allows you to know what is good for you, as well as to attract to you those things that assist you to be happy and healthy.
Overcome the Dark Side of New Year’s Resolutions
A hidden facet that creates difficulty with moving on at anytime let alone into a new year is that of grieving losses and letting go of that which no longer is useful or appropriate to your life. Leaving your losses not properly attended to can also make it hard to be motivated to stay with…
6 Questions To Move Beyond Grief Toward Inner Peace
World events often trigger painful places within us that if faced can lead to emotional and spiritual freedom.
A Midwife to the Dying–from On Being (American Public Media)
Below is a link to an interview from the program On Being. Beneath that is a poem contained in the interview which weaves together many of the themes discussed in the interview. The interview is not just about dying and the state of affairs around that in our western world, it is as much about…