Tag: consciousness
Aura Imaging Bio Feedback, See What The Chakras Look Like
Over the last two weeks we have been posting about the aura, its qualities and responsiveness to external stimuli. This video shows the effect of multiple internal and external actors on the energy system.
Shift Into the Flow of Grace, Love and Life
“Though we have been told we are and must be a noun, in truth we are a restless verb, a process in a process, born into tragedy and grace with unimagined potential.” Stephen Levine, Unattended Sorrow Settling into your heart helps to shift awareness from experiencing yourself as a noun to experiencing yourself as a…
Are You Easily Influenced by the Subtle Energies Around You?
How aware are you of your energy in daily life? Some people are more sensitive than others to subtle energy. Lack of awareness can leave you vulnerable to being affected negatively and drain your energy. Enhanced awareness and development of a few simple “inner technologies” can expand your personal (energy) power, sense of connection to…
Archetypal Energy and Identifying Unconscious Energy Patterns
The aura, energy and consciousness and the chakra system offer a structured focused means to heal and balance ourselves and also have more free choice as to how we experience our lives. Understanding energetic archetypes and how they may apply to our energy patterns can provide a window into more unconscious aspects of our nature.…