Tag: consciousness
Energy Flow and Chakras: Influence on Health, and Well- Being
This post talks about the various ways the aura is impacted by our life experience as well as how impaired auras and chakra affect our moods, thought process and physical well being. [caption id="attachment_13235" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Energy Depletion and Holiday Stress
Negative thoughts and feeling states are common and profound sources of energy depletion and exhaustion. It is an area where we have ultimate control, but we need awareness, willingness to take responsibility, and tools to transform or release these debilitating patterns. It is easy to become focused on external remedies to our conflicts and problems…
How Heart Chakra Energy Influences Everyday Life
Our heart energy is affected by all our experience not just the profound issues just mentioned so it is important to pay attention and be mindful about the activity involved and take steps to be more consciously in charge of this powerful energy.
Chakra Wisdom: How to Bring Concepts to Life
INTRODUCTION to Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck ~ Jellaludin Rumi The world is meant to be free in You are not beyond love Give up all else other than the place of true…
Vibration in Relationship: What You Need to Know for the Holidays
Vibration in Relationships With holiday gatherings coming up it seems like a good time to think a bit about our vibration in relationship with others. Have you ever wondered why you feel so differently with the various people in your life? Why is it so easy with your best friend and so difficult with a…