Tag: co-creators
Spring! Creativity, Growth and Change
When we think about co-creating our lives or about a new or renewed goal we may have a vision of the end result and some ideas re: the steps to get there but we may not have a deeper awareness about hidden agendas, motives or the natural cycle of growth and change. We typically do…
Are Your Chakras Balanced?
For those of you who may not be on our newsletter mailing list….take a look at our homepage….there is a sign up with a free gift of a 9 page Personalized Chakra Energy Assessment.
7 Questions to Develop Greater Safety, Security and Prosperity
The chakra system provides us with a road map that can help us discover, heal and live from a level of conscious intent that allows us to express more if our Divine Humanity. Here are some questions that help jar loose some of the issues registered in the Root Chakra.
Beliefs: The Cliff Notes
Our core beliefs are like designer myths, ones made by us for us–stories fashioned as we experienced life and tried to make sense of it. They become the lens through which we see the world. The effect is that of distorting reality and leaving us shackled by chains forged in our own minds.
The Face of the Future?
This video is about an amazing young man—actually two, one the young inventor and the other his mentor. The story about what is being done for this young man is touching but even more than that is the fact that there is now a foundation (the info re: that is at the end of the…
Questions for Assessing the Health of Your Crown Chakra
Is it hard to believe/feel that you have the power to create and influence your life? Are limitations difficult to accept? Do you have difficulty with detachment? Do you easily become distracted, or experience information overload? Do you believe in fate? Are you unclear about your purpose in life? Do you doubt the existence of…