Here we are almost to spring!! Yay! It has been a long cold winter for many and energies may be running low after all the winter stress. However, it will not be long before we enter the next season and begin to feel our energy rising along with the desire for new starts, or perhaps refurbishing what has become stale or stagnant, in short, creating something anew somewhere in our lives.
When we think about co-creating our lives or about a new or renewed goal we may have a vision of the end result and some ideas re: the steps to get there but we may not have a deeper awareness about hidden agendas, motives or the natural cycle of growth and change. We typically do not pay a lot of attention to where we may be within the creative cycle. The result is that we are not in sync; we are out of rhythm with ourselves, our lives and with the natural timing of all the cycles of which we are a part.
If we pay attention to this natural process and where we are within it, we can become more efficient, patient, and remain healthier as we cut down on frustration and pushing rocks up hills.
A familiar analogy for the creative cycle is the process of planting a garden. We decide that we want to grow flowers or vegetables, we gather the materials, till the soil, plant the seeds, water, feed, and wait! We also pull weeds and continue to nurture the sprouting flowers or plants with time and attention until we can enjoy the fruits of our labors. But how often do we think about the creative process and its cycles as they relate to our visions and goals?
The same steps involved in creating a garden in the backyard — preparation, germination, incubation, growth, and materialization—also are involved in the successful manifestation of our personal or professional goals.
I don’t know about you but I have a tendency to want the flower to bloom the day after I plant the seed! The patience and perseverance involved with germination and incubation do not come naturally to me, I have to stay conscious and use inner methods that allow me to develop the wherewithal to move through these stages without spontaneously combusting!
In the case of gardens we accept—or try to—that we do not harvest the day after we planted the seed, or feed and water before we have tilled the soil and planted. Yet that is what many of us tend to do when we are looking to create with our minds, and thus we end up out of flow with the cycles of creativity.
Understanding the creative process, its cycles and how our energy system fits into all that can help us enormously when we are looking to create something new in our world, to grow and develop or to navigate the inevitable river of change as it runs through our lives.
Next post: How Your Chakra Influence Your Ability to Create and Navigate Change
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