Tag: Clairvoyance

  • Brow Chakra, Inner Vision, Memory and Intuition

    Brow Chakra, Inner Vision, Memory and Intuition

    Excerpt from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/ BROW CHAKRA The brow chakra is often referred to as the third eye. It is located in the space between and a bit above the eyes. This center is the last place where the three major energy channels — the right, left,…

  • How can you clear and strengthen your energy field?

    How can you clear and strengthen your energy field?

    The Aura Mind-Body-Spirit Connection The human aura can be thought of as your primary immune system in that it is a primary way that you experience and interact with your environment. This is unconscious in most cases but nevertheless real. The human aura is made up varying frequencies that clairvoyants see as color. You do…

  • Developing Intuition for Deep Self-Care

    Developing Intuition for Deep Self-Care

    Developing intuition blends our deepest humanity with our highest spiritual nature. Connecting to our authentic nature opens an energy flow to strength and positivity. Developing Intuition: First and Second Attention First attention is the kind of awareness that we are most acquainted with. It is our everyday conscious mind. We have another awareness that operates…