Tag: change
The hidden aspect that can derail New Year resolutions
What are the hidden blocks that can derail your positive motivations for change?
Letting Go of the Past to Move Forward
Letting go of the past with all its attendant feelings clears the way for change and the new to flow into our lives. Setting intentions or resolutions for the New Year often overlooks the importance of some introspection re: what we need or want to release that can easily trip up the best of intentions.…
Ego, Energy and Power: 7 Questions to Discover Blocks to Personal Power
We all have issues in all of the chakras. Along with spiritual growth, psychological growth/maturity is a necessary part of every journey. Be honest but gentle with yourself as you sit with these questions…they are meant to free you not further weigh you down!!
Creative Change: Practices for Releasing the Stress of Change
How can mind-body and spirit can cooperate and each add skills for navigating change? [caption id="attachment_13356" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Change Management: 3 Steps for Success Using Energy and Consciousness
Successful change management using subtle energy requires three components of focus: An ample supply of energy Balanced and unobstructed flow of energy Coherence…smooth, even and ordered energy Successful Change Management Requires a Healthy Amount of Energy Step 1: Generate An Ample Supply of Energy Common sense healthy practices help to build a healthy supply of…