Tag: Awareness
Chakras Provide a Map and a Means to Love, Wisdom and Belonging
You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck ~ Jellaludin Rumi The world is meant to be free in You are not beyond love Give up all else other than the place of true belonging Anyone or anything that does not bring you alive is too…
Goals and Hidden Obstacles to Their Achievement
Hidden Obstacles to Achieving Your Goals Part of the human journey through this life is to set sights on goals, to grow and develop and become all that we can be. In spite of these intentions, we often hit obstacles that surprise as well as prevent us from achieving what we desire. An important but…
Build an Abundance of Energy with this Simple Approach
This simple list is a great addition to an overall personal stress management program.
Feelings: Five Facts and a Proven Method to Reduce Stress
Feelings are part of the human experience and greatly impact our health, wealth and relationships. Unfortunately we have little education in living with them in a harmonious way. Here are five perspectives that can help raise Emotional Intelligence. 1. I am entitled to my feelings whether others agree with them or not. 2. My feelings…
Self Awareness as a Path to Happiness, Success in Work and Love
It has often been said that “knowledge is power,” and nowhere is that truer than when we are speaking about ourselves and the lives we create. Self-knowledge includes understanding how we work as human beings as well as how we have personally operated up until now to construct our lives.
Healthy subtle energy: A Foundation for Health, Mental and Emotional Balance
Healthy Subtle Energy Flows Like a River Our energy is always expanding or contracting, blocked or flowing. For a moment imagine a free flow of energy sweeping through you like a river that is free to flow through the landscape. Feel what it would be like to BE this river, at first meandering, then rushing…