Tag: Anahata
Energy Healing Can Help Avoid Pain and Chaos
Old memories, mistaken beliefs and unprocessed emotions can all create “wobbles” in our energy systems that block clarity€¦.we may see what we want to see instead of what is really there– be it people, places or circumstances. Our judgment about what is good for us, healthy or life enhancing is clouded.
The Chakra System is a Map of Consciousness
In this brief video Anodea Judith succinctly presents the relationship between the chakras, our issues and lives, as well as how individual change ripples out into he world.
Do You Experience Energy?
When any one energy center is disrupted or damaged, that aspect of the field’s frequency is affected resulting in a disturbance of energy. These disturbances can be transmitted to other layers of the field, causing them to malfunction as well. Disruptions cause the equivalent of leaks, improper flow, and obstruction of energy in what should…
An Uncommon Journey of Love and Joy
My friend and colleague, Tracey Alysson has just had her book, Living and Dying in the Arms of Love published! The narrative recounts her journey to Tibet and doing Khora (circumambulating) with prostrations, Mt. Kailash (one of the sacred mountains in Tibet).