Tag: Anahata

  • Is Your Throat Chakra Blocked?

    Here are some questions from our Chakra/Energy Assessment Questionnaire that will help you assess the state of your throat chakra. The higher the number of YES answers the greater the imbalance. Next posts we will look at the characteristics of a balanced throat chakra along with some strategies you can use. [caption id=”” align=”alignleft” width=”300″…

  • Enter the Flow of Pleasure Reduce Stress

    Entering the Flow of Pleasure Reduces Stress and Creates Happiness and Abundance!

  • Creativity, Power Struggles, Will and Consciousness

    This is not, as many demonstrate an abdication of responsibility, passing off what is ours and a challenge and assigning it over as the will of God, Higher Power, the Angels or Spirit. This is a challenging area–to be able to develop the consciousness to discern ego needs/personal will, from a higher consciousness that is…

  • Sacral Chakra: Emotional Intelligence and Power

    The Sacral Chakra is located in the pelvis approximately three finger widths below the navel and it develops between 3 and 8 years of age. With proper support at this stage we learn about feelings and how to express and manage them. With adequate guidance, modeling and mirroring a healthy sense of entitlement (deserving) and…

  • Is a Lack of Grounding Keeping You From Achieving Your Goals?

    Change always triggers the energy in our root chakra. Since we are in such a time of great change globally, it is fairly safe to assume that each of us will have some issue going on in our lives that is challenging our root chakra energy. A bit of introspection and discovery can help us…

  • Questioning Gratitude

    If we are to understand more about consciousness and to be actively involved in its expansion, it would seem that gratitude may be a step, a kind of doorway, and one facet of a a larger reality toward which we are headed (gracefully or not). [caption id="attachment_13480" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]