Tag: Alternative
Do You have time to not meditate?
Perhaps as we look at the benefits we can shift our perception and ask, Do I really have the time to NOT meditate? For me this brings up a whole different flow of ideas and questions….like how well am I caring for myself, where are my priorities…what do I truly value?
Energy and Enlightenment
To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing a very effective way to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center.
Is There a Shadow Side of Spirituality?
Years ago as I stumbled along on my path of learning, personal growth and healing the phrase “the path of being fully human” popped into my mind. I had been exposed, as many others were in the late sixties, to spiritual philosophy and for a time felt that my very real human emotions were something…
What Message Are You Sending?
We each have an energetic signature. What affects what that signature “looks” like and more importantly how does it affect your life?
Energy Healing Can Help Avoid Pain and Chaos
Old memories, mistaken beliefs and unprocessed emotions can all create “wobbles” in our energy systems that block clarity€¦.we may see what we want to see instead of what is really there– be it people, places or circumstances. Our judgment about what is good for us, healthy or life enhancing is clouded.