stress reduction and subtle enrgy

Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy: 4 Tools for Change

Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Competency are Central to Stress Responses
Stress reduction and subtle energy competency begin with taking a look at our habitual patterns. We all have patterns that affect how we respond to stress and deplete our energy. These patterns are usually learned ways of protecting or defending ourselves,or ways we have learned to exert our power and get what we need in life. Typically these patterns do not really serve us in our adult lives. These “ways of being” affect our experience of stress beginning at the level of our subtle energy bodies.

Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Competency Begin with Awareness
Here are some questions that can help you begin to shift your energy throughout the day, establishing new patterns that will help you experience less stress.

What is your predominant emotional tone? How are you feeling in general?
Do you check in periodically with yourself and note how you are feeling and what your energy level is?
How we hold our energy affects our feelings and in turn our feelings affect our energy. Identifying you predominant emotional tone helps you to know whether you are adding or diminishing your energy reserves.

Is your breathing full and easy, bringing in lots of oxygen and energy?
Our breathing is certainly affected by stress—it tends  to become more shallow and centered high in our chest. However we also may simply have a pattern of shallow breathing that contributes to the overall experience of stress felt by the body and mind. Attention to our breath and practicing breathing properly helps to energize us as well as to keep our energy strong and flowing.


Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Get an Assist From Emotional Intelligence
How do different daily situations affect you? Which ones generate stress, anger, sadness, frustration?
Noticing our feelings as we move through our day gives us valuable information about ourselves and creates awareness of what needs attention for healing, expression or letting go. We may not be able to attend to the feelings in the moment but once noticed we can return to them and do what is necessary to be conscious advocates for ourselves in this life.

Do you take time to identify and release difficult feelings, thoughts, physical tensions from your system? Can you take time and create a space between a stressful event and your reaction? Would you like to be more responsive and less reactive?
Having awareness is a first step to emotional intelligence and subtle energy competency. Having a full toolkit of techniques you can bring to your various needs allows you to be more in charge of your life and travel along your path feeling lighter and brighter than unconsciously carrying old outworn thoughts and feelings.

Through practicing greater awareness of what is happening inside with our energy and feelings, and  learning and practicing ways to release stress from our systems …our minds become quieter, more clear, our hearts become more peaceful and happier and our bodies less stressed and healthier.

The choice to do so is a huge step toward claiming our power to create lives we love to live.