
6 Simple Steps for Your Health: Support Immunity, Build Resiliency and Reduce Stress

This winter and holiday season will be like any other we have experienced. It is important to have practices that can help improve health, support immunity, build resiliency and help keep us as stress free as possible.

The following steps provide a simple way to address the health goals mentioned above.

A Simple Attitude Adjustment
1. Bring your attention to your heart chakra in the center of your chest
2. Begin to focus on feeling as if you can breath in and out through this space
3. Call up feelings of gratitude or appreciation and link them with the breath or remember a happy time and feel the feelings of that time
4. Feel yourself soaking your heart in those feelings
5. Be aware of any tightness or constriction, practice softening and opening to create more space rather than resisting them
6. Intentionally drop out of your head into your heart often everyday.

Click on the link below for information on the positive effects of engaging the heart with feelings of gratitude.


2 responses to “6 Simple Steps for Your Health: Support Immunity, Build Resiliency and Reduce Stress”

    1. Our program “Practice Heart Cenetered Gratitude” is a great program to teach you how to do this. Thanks for your comment.

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