Our last two posts have been about perspective and the beliefs that underlie our thoughts, feelings and actions. We all have shadow material. It is challenging to become aware of all that we have been holding out of awareness. Ultimately it is freeing and brings you to a lightness of Being that not accessed before.
Most of us are aware of only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what beliefs are driving us. Of course the good ones are not really of any concern except to notice, strengthen them and applaud ourselves for having developed some wonderful ways of being in the world. And we should do this as often as possible!! Building on the positive is always a good idea.
The beliefs that are a problem are those that were formed at a young age before we had discrimination or all the necessary information; those that took root during times of trauma or duress; and of course the old outmoded ones that were handed us by well-meaning adults but that no longer are really useful for our current place in life.
Discovering faulty beliefs
Where does one look for faulty beliefs? Tracking your observations for a week or so, keeping a notebook of those responses can be helpful in ferreting out habitual reactions.
Core beliefs
You can begin broadly with investigating what thoughts, feelings and patterns of response you have to: Men, Women, Mothers, Fathers, Siblings, Relationships, Love, Self, Others, Prosperity, Success, Abundance, Deserving, Playing, Work, Money, Health, Illness, Body Image, etc.
Core beliefs are not specific to a particular situation (such as: I will never get another job; I am not good at sports; I can’t create an adequate income) but. Core beliefs run very deep. They build up over time (and lifetimes!) and they are imprinted throughout our physical, mental, emotional and etheric energy fields. They run so deep that we often don’t even recognize them. We don’t even think about them. We live them as truths. They become our truth because we are in alignment with them. We feed and energize them. Thus they are reflected back to us every day. They take a bit more effort to erase but it is worth the effort when you consider what an impact they can have on your life, health and relationships.
So, what are some of these beliefs?
I am incapable.
I am undeserving.
I am unintelligent and stupid.
I am unlovable.
I am not likeable.
I am inferior.
I am not respected.
I am weak.
I am unsafe.
I am not successful.
I am unworthy, inadequate.
Life is a struggle.
I must work hard in order to be successful.
Of course there are many more beliefs and often just turning up your receptivity and intending to know what they are seems to signal the subconscious to give up the contents it has been holding. In some cases this can be difficult but in the end it is liberating, releasing you to live without the shackles that have been holding you in place for so long.
There are many ways you can go about discovering your core beliefs as well as erasing them from your hard drive: Hypnosis, Interactive Guided Imagery, Visualization, Meridian Tapping are all good choices. These techniques can be used to release old beliefs as well as to imbed new ones.
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