letting go

Introduction : Letting Go: The Heart of Healing

From the Introduction to our recording Letting Go: the Heart of Healing

Before we begin I’d like to share some thoughts with you.

Throughout my professional life first as a nurse and then as a psychotherapist my major interest and motivation has been to offer solutions that alleviate pain and discomfort.

Early on in my career I focused on traditional forms of healing in both medicine and psychology.

As the years went on I became much more interested in tools and techniques that were highly effective AND empowered people in the healing process. The world of Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology became my passion as they included methods that addressed and engaged all aspects of being human, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual.

The practical tools that developed within these fields provided the means to accomplish three things that I felt to be essential for us each to embrace our own powerful inner capacity for healing, health, successful living and happiness.

Those three things are:

1. A way to turn the concepts into real action so that the underlying issues that contribute to pain and disease and often lock it in place could be released and

2.The need for practices that soothe and comfort while they facilitate health and healing. I felt it was important for people to have methods they can use on their own — 24/7 if need be. To know that you have techniques to help yourself is profoundly healing, life enhancing, nourishing and empowering
3. Methods that put us in touch with all that is good within us—it is easy to become disconnected from our own center and not be able to access strength, courage, kindness or love when we are in pain, overwhelmed or stressed. Knowing techniques that open those spaces and reconnect us means that we can live from the fullness of our being rather than being diminished by life’s tempests.

Personal Experience and Letting Go
From a personal standpoint I will also share with you that what is on this recording emerged out of not only the above mentioned professional desires, but also from my own experience dealing with pain, stress and overwhelming life situations. I have used these tools to release old toxic family patterns, the grief of loss, and physical and emotional pain. In addition, these very same techniques helped me to connect with the energy of courage, strength and love when I believed there was none available to me.

The title of this program, Letting go, the Heart of Healing refers to the notion that until we let go of old roles, programs and unprocessed emotions from our inner hard drives healing cannot really happen and nothing new can really take root within and become a center of strength, power and freedom to guide our lives.

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to change, or why you seem compelled to repeat behaviors that are not in your best interests or why you feel what you do?

Our life experience with patterns of thought and feeling are recorded within us via our energetic, nervous and hormonal systems.

A lot of these inner effects of our conditioning have been laid down without our conscious awareness. We think that because an event has past that it is no longer affecting us but it is in fact if we have not fully processed or completed the experience. We may have been too young, overwhelmed or just plain unaware of the importance to do so. But our body-minds do not forget these incomplete experiences. They exist as bundles of thought, feeling, belief and reaction that form patterns that drive our lives.

In spite of our best attempts to change, grow, accomplish and achieve these hidden packets of history can prevent us from living as the strong, vibrant, healthy and successful beings that we can be.

To Listen to an excerpt of Letting Go: The Heart of Healing click here : https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/letting-go-heart-healing/