personal power

What do you need to really let go of old patterns?

Let go through acceptance and surrender
Opening our hearts through acceptance and surrender releases stress and old patterns that no longer serve us.
Pushing and trying too hard creates struggle and conflict that tend to hold things to us. The softening and opening that surrender and acceptance bring to our energy helps us move more easily in the direction of our desires. But what does it take to move from the idea of LET GO to making it a reality in our nervous systems and lives?
Three essentials to truly let go and embrace your power for healing, health, success and happiness:

1. A way to turn concepts into action. We need a bridge between body and mind so inner patterns that contribute to pain and disease through locking it in place can be released.

2. The need for practices that soothe and comfort while they facilitate health and healing. I feel it is important for people to have methods they can use on their own — 24/7 if need be. To know that you have techniques to help yourself is profoundly healing, life enhancing, nourishing and empowering.

3. Methods that put us in touch with all that is good within us—it is easy to become disconnected from our own center and not be able to access strength, courage, kindness or love when we are in pain, overwhelmed or stressed.
Knowing techniques that open those spaces and reconnect us means that we can live from the fullness of our being rather than being diminished by life’s tempests. Letting Go: The Heart of Healing provides you with information and techniques that fulfill all these requirements.
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