
What is the Connection Between Intuition, Energy and Your Authentic Self?

Intuition, Authenticity and Energy Flow
Learning to connect with your authentic nature moves you into a personal energy flow that affects your entire life in a strong and positive way. Our personal energy system is the means through which we directly contact and receive information regarding the people, places and things we come into contact with. Our higher nature or authentic self communicates with us through this energy system. Most people call this intuition.

Understanding Intuition and Higher Awareness
We are in constant contact with information from our higher nature but tend to not understand it, discount it or ignore it. Emotional reactions to people and events, half formed or unexplained feelings, hunches are all ways that our psyche is trying to inform us of the true nature of our interactions. Our thoughts, wishes, desires and attitudes are all also a part of this mix. This can make it tricky to sort out what message is coming from which source.

Working with your personal energy system so that it becomes more open, clear and flowing helps you to be more clear and in tune with the truth of things…helps you to move past the tangle of fears, old beliefs and conditioned reactions to live more freely from your true center –your authentic self.

It can be useful to have some cognitive awareness regarding the competing messages that crowd our inner world! The following chart may be helpful in sorting out the various “voices in your head”!

Intuition, Normal Awareness Higher Awareness

Five Senses Senses Energy Fields

Processes via Nervous System Experiences Directly

Interprets via rational mind Processes via energy system

Filters via past experience Direct €˜now’ experience

Me centered, mechanical Heart centered

Concern based in survival Spiritually aware

Cause and effect Non-linear awareness

Three dimensional Awareness of other dimensions

Sequential time No limits to time & space

Orderly, predictable Not dependent on logic

Future= know present, remember past Point of power in present

Being aware of these differences can help you observe yourself throughout the day and help move you to make different choices about where to “live from”.

Would love to hear about your experience with this in the comments!