The Institute of HeartMath is a non-profit research and educational foundation that was founded in 1991 by stress researcher Doc Lew Childre and a multidisciplinary team of professionals.
IHM furthered research into heart physiology by looking at the HOW of heart logic and, more specifically, how it influenced behavior.
They determined that through cultivating “heart intelligence” – that is, by using a method that creates coherent heart rhythms – the primitive emotional centers of the brain no longer dominated, and a clearer perspective emerged that enabled greater intelligence to be brought to the management of emotion.
I have seen this phenomenon many times in my own life as well as in couples I counsel and in business. As individuals are taught to focus on the heart and bring calmness to emotional turmoil, they often spontaneously have realizations that lead to greater understanding, meaning, resolution or healing of their particular dilemma or conflict.
These realizations come easily, effortlessly and often lead in a new direction that is much more beneficial than if those involved had relied solely on the lower mind to problem-solve.
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