How Does Emotional Intelligence Ease Stress and Change?

Pack Horse Bridge Westerdale 091 1 (Small)Emotional intelligence is an important aspect of self care. Being able to manage emotions in a healthy way can eliminate the negative effect on health, relationships and overall well being. The sacral chakra is the seat of emotions.
Balancing the sacral chakra allows emotion to freely move through our systems. Just as flowing water is purifying, refreshing and revitalizing so it is with feelings set in motion without resistance but also with proper channeling. When the energy here is open, flowing and balanced we are responsive, intuitive, buoyant, and full of dreams and healthy desire.

Characteristics of Balanced Sacral Chakra

Ease of movement

Emotional intelligence

Capacity for pleasure, nurturance

Ability to change

Healthy boundaries

Sensitive, Intuitive

Healthy desires, creativity

At its best the sacral chakra is liquid and flowing providing an ability to be flexible and adaptable. However we can go too far in this direction as well and create imbalance. You know this is a problem if you feel in a constant state of flux with an inability to ground or set boundaries; there also may be a tendency to be overly emotional and dramatic.

Opening and balancing the sacral chakra fundamentally involves letting go of shame, unhealthy guilt and frustration and learning to go with the flow of life. Going with the flow of life does not mean that you do not feel things! Rather it is having the ability to deal with normal human emotion in a way that allows it to move through your system instead of accumulating and causing problems.

Our recorded program Letting Go can help you learn three basic techniques to release troubling emotions. Click here to learn more:

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