vibrational healing

How to Use Higher Consciousness to Move Beyond Problems

Higher consciousness contains many of the attributes that we initially seek in the external world.

This mural is titled Understanding. There are many things in our world that we wish to understand. An important thing we often forget about understanding is our very own selves!

Our five senses compellingly draw our attention to the outer physical world. With such a strong outer directed focus, it quite naturally follows that we would look for our inner needs to be filled through external material sources. Generally there comes a point in our lives  when we realize that this is usually a short lived and unsatisfying solution. At first this dawning realization may lead to blame, criticism, judgment, and/or compulsivity (repetitive behaviors expecting a different outcome). Eventually it can lead to the desire to expand into higher consciousness.

This same outward focus also tends to produce belief and reliance on a spiritual being external to ourselves( effectively dis-empowering ourselves). We beseech this Greater Being to bestow favors upon us –as we continue to define ourselves through the physical, roles and material possessions.

All of these things are simply expressions of limited consciousness.  From that level of awareness we do not have the full depth, breadth and expansiveness of our innate higher consciousness, connection to Source and inner wisdom. Limited consciousness tends to be stuck in a mind set that both begins and ends in fear. This aspect of mind with its outer focus has us up one day down the next with no center to hold on to.

Life is about change. Consciousness that is attached to the outer world does not help us to move with the cycles of change. It does not help us to manage stress or grow our capacity to function in the world in a meaningful way that leads to peace, joy & happiness.Higher consciousness is a much more effective means to reach the latter goals.

Intuition is an Aspect of Higher Consciousness
Questions of meaning, purpose, a mysterious calling or just plain curiosity can lead us to exploring higher consciousness. Often however it is pain, disappointment, failure, or lost dreams that push us toward the door of higher awareness and spirituality.

However we get there our turning inward meets us up with an exciting and interesting companion in the form of our intuition. This sixth sense opens the way to truly find the best means to resolve issues, to release struggle with ease and receive the true fulfillment of our deepest desires. It prompts us to develop wisdom in decision making, provides a well of creativity to draw from and gently guides us on the “right” path through life.

This intuitive inner path allows us to examine thoughts, feelings and beliefs that lead to problems and no longer serve us. Expanding our consciousness beyond the physical and material world it awakens us to who we truly are. From there we can transcend limitations, step into true power, tolerance, understanding and vitality.

Intuition, Energy and Higher Awareness
To view ourselves as energetic beings helps us to better understand the nature of our authentic selves. This view also provides an effective way (energy management) to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center.

However, it is not enough to know that we are spiritual/energetic beings. We need to have a process that helps us make that a reality. That process includes: (1) knowing what blocks the full embodiment of our spiritual nature, (2) how our life experiences have develop those blocks, (3)  having effective ways to release blocks and old patterns.

Working from a level of energy–mind, body and spirit –reaches our deepest core, where our blocks are rooted, and releases them from where they are embedded.



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