Heart Intelligence

How Can Heart Intelligence Benefit Your Health and Well-being?

Heart Intelligence results from creating coherent heart rhythms.

Research from the Institute of HeartMath has clearly shown  that by cultivating “heart intelligence”  the primitive emotional centers of the brain no longer dominate, a clearer perspective emerges that allows for improved emotional management.
When we quiet our emotions we are less attached to the ego mind and more open to higher frequencies of energy, information and knowledge.

How to develop heart intelligence?
The simple answer is to find more opportunities to feel genuine heart-based feelings. The feelings most associated with smoother heart rhythms  are those of  care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion. Those feelings stimulate healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical, and energetic flow to all organs. The result is that we improve brain function, decrease production of stress hormone, increase anti-aging factors, and enhance immunity. Well being improves all the way down to the cellular level!

It’s up to us; we can trigger all these effects at will! What’s not to love about that?

6 Ways to Develop the Power of Heart Intelligence
1. Practice flowing gratitude through your heart chakra daily.
2. Saturate your heart with the energy of loving-kindness as often as possible.
3. Look for opportunities to appreciate people, places and things daily.
4. Buy a special journal to record your daily “gratitudes.”
5. Assign a time each day to record in your journal.
6. List five things a day that you are grateful for. No thinking allowed: FEEL!
