self care

What is the Heart of Deep Self Care?

The foundation of deep self care
The heart is a major ally in our deep self care. Researchers are reporting that it seems that the heart has a mind of its own and is a major factor in how we perceive and respond to the world. The heart has been found to be a very complex processing center that doesn’t just receive information from the brain, it is often the originator of information with the brain being the second responder! In any case it is clear that these two are in a very intricate two way conversation and we can benefit from knowing how to participate!

Everyone knows that when they are in love their basic immunity is enhanced and they seem to be able to handle life with more grace and self-confidence. Research is documenting the why and how of this which is fascinating but there is even better news–we do not have to wait for these experiences to hit us out of the blue. We can create the feelings from within with the choice to let go of negativity and replace it with the feelings that we do want. We have within us the power to create profound change from deep within ourselves with some very simple techniques.

Self care, intelligent energy management = emotional self mastery
Our emotions are energy that moves through our nervous systems. If we do not manage our emotions, they will manage us. Time does not take care of our emotions. They do not disappear if we ignore them they merely go underground to erode our systems and wreak havoc with our health at a later time. Time only heals if we engage in a process that helps heal within that time. We are human and so hardwired to feel. The point is to have methods that allow us to be in charge and able to transform our emotions so we do not become helpless victims of them.

A very helpful process is to notice when you are focused on a negative feeling. Stop the action in whatever way you can –imagine a huge red stop sign in your mind, imagine hitting the pause button on your remote control, say stop’ to yourself. Then use a memory or your imagination to get in touch with feelings of appreciation, gratitude or unconditional love. Feel as though you can breathe those feelings in and out through your heart. Keep doing this until you have shifted your emotional focus. Then see if you can adopt a feeling of ease in maintaining it. Remember this is a skill, so practice is the key.

A simple technique for self care:  conscious breathing
Conscious control’ of your breath can help no matter what other tools you are using to transform emotional states. Conscious breathing can help you to create new patterns and healthier ways of thinking and feeling. Breathing deeply and fully begins to put you in touch with deeper levels, your core, your “self,” your inner being. It strengthens your center of personal power. It helps to slow you down and makes you aware of what is occurring both within and around you. It tunes you in to your environment and your internal processes and places you in a position to make conscious choices –choices that support your efforts in life.

All of these suggestions will help to boost your vitality, help you create more inner ease, feel less stress, and positively affect your energy field by bringing it into a more coherent state. A coherent energy field is associated with greater ability to create, improved health, reduced stress, enhanced ability to concentrate, and greater access to intuitive and spiritual experiences.