heart chakra

Why is Balance Important for Your Heart Chakra ?

Location, Development and Imbalances of the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest at the site of the Pulmonary & Cardiac Nerve Plexus. The simplest way to locate your heart center is to become aware of the breastbone and then imagine a circle 4-5 inches in diameter in that space.

This energy center develops between 12 – 15 Yrs. of age. Physically the heart chakra governs the Heart &Circulatory Systems, the Thymus gland –a major player in immunity, the Ribs, Breasts, Lungs, Shoulders, Hands, Arms and Diaphragm

Imbalances in the heart chakra physically manifest as conditions such as: Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Lung or Breast problems or upper back pain.

As with the other chakras, there can be under or over activity in the heart that eventually manifests in psychological or physical problems. An overly active heart chakra makes it hard to be present fully on the earth and a person can become isolated, lonely and fearful of being hurt. Under-active energy in the heart can create a sense of heaviness, a lack of joy and result in codependent behavior. Codependency is displayed in possessive, jealous, clingy and selfish behavior. Imbalances in the heart chakra result in a lack of emotional fulfillment, self consciousness, difficulty finding your true passion in life and in the extreme — antisocial behavior.

Questions for Healing the Heart

Do you think you have an overabundance of heart chakra energy? A deficit? Balanced?

What are the challenges you face when trying to release negative emotions?

What do you need to make this easier? (Cannot include wanting the outer world to change!) 🙂

If you energy was balanced here how would your relationships change?

Having an open, healing heart requires you to objectively explore and release core wounds and pains. It includes learning what true forgiveness means for others, but for yourself as well. These steps toward healing are what allow you to progress toward the qualities of unconditional love and compassion.

When you open your heart, there is a sense of oneness and connectedness, a sense if unity with all there is. In addition, you also deepen your sense of personal power, security, confidence and trust. It is important that the heart is balanced. An overly active/ too open heart chakra can result in co-dependence.

Meditations for working with Heart Chakra energy:

Heart Chakra Guided Meditation: Bringing Coherence to Your Field
This meditation is found on the podcast page: https://bit.ly/2LIGJEw

Guided Chakra Meditations: This meditation can be downloaded from the shop page: https://karenkallie.com/shop-2/chakra-guided-meditation/ N