healthy energy

Healthy Energy: 7 Clues to Know How You are Managing Your Energy

Healthy Energy Begins with Healthy Management
There are many ways to begin to know how you are shaping your energy. Here are some questions that may help you make the connection between what you say and what your energy is doing.

Do you find yourself saying or feeling any of the following?

1. I feel like I am always running to catch up.

(With yourself, life, others)

2. I feel drained, empty, depleted, like I am out of gas.

3. I am burned out.

4. I am beside myself. (In general, or with a feeling E.G. fear, anger, jealousy)

5. I feel so scattered, fragmented, all over the place.

6. My heart is breaking; is broken.

7. I feel knifed in the back; sucker punched.

Healthy Energy Requires Self Knowledge and Effective Management
Everything we experience has an energetic reality. If we look at things from this perspective it provides us with options that are not available otherwise. Our solutions can be more to the point, more effective and permanent. That is not to say that there is only one answer to any of these examples. Many times these awarenesses are only a beginning and require exploration and a multi modal approach for true resolution.

Here are a few examples to illustrate the energy connection to our expressions

I feel like I am always running to catch up. (With yourself, life, others)
Your energy field may be projected way out ahead of you making you feel like you have to catch up with it. Our energy belongs inside us where it can perfuse our physical bodies, inform our feelings and help us think clearly. When our energy is too often projected out or we are not properly aligned with it our health can be impacted.

I feel drained, empty, depleted, like I am out of gas. I am burned out.
When our energy supplies are low we feel drained, depleted, like we have no fuel to go on. We can also be cranky, have trouble with containing feelings or concentrating. Of course the solution here is to learn how to build, replenish and maintain energy, but also we must look to where and how our energy is leached out of us and make a correction at the source.

I feel so scattered, fragmented, all over the place.
Being scattered is exactly that. You are sending your energy in so many directions that it is not with you and you are not available to perform at your best.

I am beside myself.
(In general, or with a feeling E.G. fear, anger, jealousy)
You may be largely outside your body— not centered or grounded. Feelings are harder to deal with when there are blocks in the system. Also when energy supplies are low we can be overwhelmed by the intensity of emotion.

My heart is breaking; is broken.
A lot of the slings and arrows of misfortune are felt in the heart chakra€¦especially ones involving relationship issues and loss. The heart may not literally break but its energy flow is definitely deeply affected if you are experiencing major emotional distress.

I feel knifed in the back; sucker punched
Everything has an energetic component including thoughts, words, deeds and intentions. If someone speaks harshly or abusively, you feel it. Think about a time when you felt that someone sent an insult toward you, or put you down or gave you a mixed message. The energy field registers all our experiences. With mixed messages the problem is that we are sensing the person’s intentions along with the sense that the words and intent do not match.

Healthy Energy Requires Understanding Your Habitual Patterns
Another way to notice the whispers in your life is to look at what happens on a daily basis. Are the people you meet friendly? How are you treated by the people in your life?

Do you always run into the worst traffic? Is it easy for you to find what you want or need? Does chaos follow you? Now I am not going to suggest that you see every detail as somehow speaking to your inner state. BUT a lot of what happens, what walks by on a daily basis, reverberates with our deeper thoughts, feelings, limiting beliefs and unresolved issues.

Looking more deeply at your life can also help you get clear on what is not an issue, not a part of your makeup. As you ask different questions, observe the ebb and flow of events, you are calling on the ability to define and know who you are. The process itself has a way of helping you to know yourself more intimately.

Listening to others interpretations about you and your patterns can also be enlightening but a balance needs to be struck. On one hand, others have a vantage point that you do not have. On the other hand, they can have their own agendas, projections and unresolved material that may be coloring their feedback to you. Since we are human, everything is filtered through our perspective and the perspectives of everyone around us daily. Wisdom grows as we learn to sift and sort through these various stacks of information and come to our Truth.

Creating Healthy Energy can be Fun!
As you engage in these types of observations remember to keep a light heart, an open mind, and a playful spirit rather than heaviness, negativity or self-blame. This is all about being able to proceed from here on with a lighter load, gain a depth of self-knowledge and inner freedom and connection that will ultimately make your life more interesting, rewarding and fun!




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