
Why a Gratitude Practice Can Be a Powerful Aid in Self Care

Gratitude, genuine care, love, appreciation and compassion, all heart based feelings, create coherent heart rhythms which have a profound effect on the health of our minds and bodies.

It is easy in busy or very stressful times to put off caring for ourselves. A gratitude practice is simple and can be easily integrated into our day. A gratitude journal is a great way to help you notice all the things that are available to feel gratitude about.

It is easy to overlook those things when we are stressed. Keeping a journal also helps to set up the brain to search for more things to be grateful for. This helps to counter the brain’s natural negative bias.

A gratitude journal is a great way to begin or end the day. It can help set your tome for the day or help you release negativity at the end of the day. If a journal is not for you, a simple practice of stopping, taking a few deep breaths and noticing something to be appreciative of can also work.

Heart Coherence helps to:

  1. Shift heart rhythms toward smooth, ordered patterns
  2. Stimulate healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical,and energetic flow to organs
  3. Improve brain function
  4. Reduce sympathetic nervous system activity (gas pedal for fight/flight)
  5. Decrease blood pressure
  6. Release stress hormones
  7. Diminish fight/flight response
  8. Increase parasympathetic nervous system activity and decreases heart rate
  9. Improve body system efficiency
  10. Boost DHEA production (anti-aging!)
  11. Enhance IGA (immune response)

Heart Coherence helps you experience well-being right down to the cellular level! We can LEARN to trigger all these effects at will.

You can find a more in depth discussion and guidance for engaging heart based practices in Ch. 7 of our downloadable book, 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery. For a complete overview and outline of this book click here: