Much has been written about a variety of methods that can help address the management, transformation, and integration of our psychological selves. One only has to go to the self-help section in any book store to see a variety of resources.
What I would like to suggest here are two simple easy to use methods that may be useful for you to create more flow in your bodymind and life.
The first is to begin to ask yourself on a regular basis if THIS (thought, feeling, activity or interchange) builds or depletes your energy. THIS can be a mental process, an emotional pattern or a choice about a person, place or thing.
Asking this question helps to increase your self-awareness in regard to the choices you are making and thus helps to empower you to act more often on your own behalf rather than unconsciously giving your energy away. Even if we do not change the simple fact of self-awareness helps to not tie up our energy so completely.
The other technique is to regularly give yourself some time to relax and imagine entering a river that appears still as you view it from the bank. Once you enter the river and let yourself float with it, it will become clear that there is a flow, a direction that the river is moving in.
Allow yourself to just flow with the river and experience the ease and peace that develop as you let go into the rhythm of the water. Stay as long as you like with this experience. Over time you will find that this pleasant exercise is installing a felt sense of flow deep within your core and it will help inform your choices.
There is a lot of angst in the world. It is up to each of us to do what we can to not add to it and also create a dynamic inner space of harmony from which to live.
There really is a stream of energy, of well-being, peace and love available to all of us. Part of our power is the ability to choose to clear ourselves of the impediments that prevent access to that stream. The gift for our efforts will be the beauty and grace we can come to know within ourselves and the quiet joy that can then emerge in our lives.
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