brow chakra

Evaluating Intuition and the Brow Chakra

The state of our brow chakra dictates the effectiveness of our intutition.

Here are some questions that can help you evaluate the state of your brow chakra and its function.

The greater number of ‘yes’ answers the greater degree of imbalance.

Is it difficult to be receptive to others’ opinions and ideas?
Is ambiguity difficult for you?
Do you tend toward being rational and focused?
Do you value reason and logic over intuition?
Are you prone to analyzing people, situations?
Is it difficult to believe there is something beyond the five senses?
Do you have vision problems?
Is insight difficult?
Do you get frequent headaches?
Is visualizing, imagining difficult for you?
Do you tend to live in your head rather than in experience?
Is dream recall difficult? Do you get confused when under stress?
Do you often feel exhausted upon awakening?
Do you doubt your intuition? Do you tend to over analyze?
Is it difficult to calm your mind?
Do you experience frequent nightmares?
Is it difficult to turn ideas into action?
Do you miss subtle cues?