
Energy Healing, Well Being, Wisdom and Personal Power

Energy healing includes many different techniques, each being useful and beneficial in their own way. The story below demonstrates the use of several energy techniques woven together in a single session.  This instance illustrates how energy work can help to relieve physical and emotional symptoms, help access higher wisdom/solutions and create a center of personal power.

Some time ago I was working with a woman who was anticipating a meeting with her boss that she feared would be extremely difficult. She was experiencing a lot of fear and apprehension about the meeting in general, but her first concern was that she was so highly charged about the encounter that she would become emotional, cry and lose her credibility with him. She was feeling it was crucial to convince him of several points that were counter to what he was going to be presenting and her emotionality would not allow her to clearly present her case.

We began working with Emotional Freedom Technique, an energy healing method that is particularly effective dealing with difficult emotions, to deal with her fear and anxiety.

A blending of self administered energy healing techniques
Her feelings cleared but she was still in a physical posture of holding in and holding up so we moved to centering, creating global mind-body awareness, did a quick adjustment to her energy flow using a basic flow technique, with the addition of a crossover technique that balanced the left / right flow of energy. This all took less than five minutes. (I do have to add, however, that this person was used to working with me in this way although she was out of practice.)

After this adjustment she reported that she felt calmer, safer and more grounded. My observation was that the tense posturing was gone, her face relaxed and her color improved. As we just let her settle into the new feelings in a quiet moment, she all of a sudden startled and said, “OH, all of a sudden the thought came in that I don’t need to convince him; all I need to do is listen and decide what I will and won’t participate in.”

Notice that the thinking mind had very little to do with this until the end!

Energy healing goes beyond the common mind
I did not tell her that she needn’t be afraid, she was a competent professional, the company needed her, she was not in danger of being fired, and so on. I did not talk about or interpret her posture how it was a reflection of a maladaptive pattern that was weakening her energy flow, making her feel worse nor about how, when our energy becomes ungrounded, we feel anxious, creating a feedback loop that feeds on itself and gets worse.

All those things may be true, but they are cognitive and generally have little impact on shifting out of emotional states or upon our ability to access higher level functions. We’ve all had the experience of being told that we needn’t be feeling what we are, the facts don’t support it—and yet we do! We need methods to remedy the difficulties that address our inner realities in order to be able to come back to outer reality in a way that is effective.

As it was, not only did this client find her own solution in a moment with incredible clarity, but she went off to the meeting feeling strong and powerful because the awareness she needed came from within.

It is exciting, awesome and beautiful to watch the process of a person settling into their authentic self and be able to live from the inside out …to be able to inhabit their lives in a way that empowers and sustains them. Using energetic techniques that address mind, body and spirit allow us all to reach this center more quickly and easily than mere cognition alone. The techniques in Living Energy Works recorded programs can help you as well— to move out of emotional distress, release stress, access greater well being and higher consciousness for more elegant solutions to problems, as well as to live more simply and creatively!

Check out our recorded programs here:

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