Energy Fields

Energy Fields: Dr. Valerie Hunt on Energy, Health and Change

Energy Fields, Strength and Coherence
As we work with our energy fields, enhancing their strength and coherency, we’re not locked in to unconscious patterns. This means we can adapt to circumstances and flow with life more easily. This ability provides us with a deep sense of empowerment and inner peace in addition to the health benefits! Actively working with your energy field to balance and align it also helps to open you to higher levels of creativity and intuition.

Each person’s energy field is unique and constantly changing depending on a variety of factors: thoughts, feelings, beliefs, events, environments and interactions with others. The energy patterns we create as a result of those factors bring about physiological changes, determine our perceptions, and influence what comes into our lives. We are very capable of being in charge of how our energy is used, shaped and patterned. However we must first develop conscious awareness, as well as have the tools to implement our desired changes….exactly what we are here to help with! 🙂

Energy Field Realities

  • Each strong thought or emotion creates a response in your energy field
  • Fear & stress reactions tend to vibrate more intensely and easily
  • Disturbances in your field cut you off from higher level functions
  • Habitual thought and feeling patterns affect body’s energy, health & well being for good or ill
  • Inconsistencies in energy field show where disturbances may manifest in future
  • Changing thought patterns takes persistence
  • Changing emotional patterns takes will and strength
  • Working directly with energy & consciousness provides you with an easier and more powerful method for change, health, development of higher level functions and achievement of goals

Working directly with our energy fields gets us out of heads, out of our stories and brings us to a level where we can affect change in how we feel and react much more quickly. That being said, we all have our strong suit and preferred “mode of operation“, so combining energetic techniques with thought/emotion/belief work can be even more effective depending on our personal style and patterns.

When we understand and manage our energy we can offset field disturbances and introduce a healthy pattern e.g. shift frequencies, change coherency, process emotions, and shift belief patterns to assist with healing or avoid illness. We can physically bring in new energy at the pre cellular level and create new patterns. In essence your energy field is your primary immune system!

The ability to manage your energy is also a major bonus in attracting healthy relationships, as well as in maintaining them
and being able to create deep and lasting bonds. Later this week I’ll be writing more about energetic interactions between people and what we need to know to stay in harmony and balance.

Here is an interview with one of the early pioneers in the science of energy, the aura and health, Dr. Valerie Hunt from UCLA. She speaks about her measurements of the field as well as a way to begin to work with your energy to improve its flow through constricted or painful areas.