energy drains

Energy Drains: What You Need to Know

Empaths are especially vulnerable to energy drains.  It is important for everyone to be conscious about energy management and  energy drains, but it is especially crucial for an empaths’ health and well-being.

Here are some key concepts that form a firm foundation for energy management from our recorded program on How to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires.

1. Energy fields constantly give off and absorb energy due to their electromagnetic properties.

2. An exchange of energy occurs each time you come into contact with another.

3. Energy interacts through harmonic induction, streamers‚ and chords.

4. The electrical properties of energy are giving, the magnetic are absorbing.

5. The more people you are around the more energy exchange that occurs.

6. The longer and more intimate contact, the greater or more intense is the exchange.

7. A very important fact to remember about energetic interchange is that it is the Strongest ( not HEALTHIEST ) energy that will be dominant in any interchange and if you are not in charge or aware of your energy you can be brought into alignment with an energy you may not care for and find it difficult to “shake off” the feelings. This is particularly true for empaths.

Knowing how to create a strong energy field coupled with the knowledge of how maintain it is essential to life and health. However it is particularly important when you are encountering people or environments that drain your energy.