Energy Drains: 7 Tips for Protection

Being aware of energy drains is an important aspect of self care.
There are many ways that we lose energy. Some are common sense and are easily identified and remedied. Others are less apparent and so more difficult to eliminate or resolve. Invisible drains that occur through our aura ones are generally out of our awareness. Since they are not obvious to us  they operate as background hum contributing to our negative moods, lack of vitality and ability to move toward our goals more easily. A little awareness about how energy behaves in everyday life can help us keep our auras strong, flowing and contributing to the life we wish to create.

 Energy Management Protects Against Energy Drains

1. Energy fields constantly give off and absorb energy due to their electromagnetic properties.
2. An exchange of energy occurs each time you come into contact with another.
3. Energy interacts through harmonic induction, streamers and chord.
4. The electrical properties of energy are giving, the magnetic are absorbing.
5. The more people you are around the more energy exchange that occurs.
6. The longer and more intimate contact, the greater or more intense is the exchange.
7. Energetic interchange: the Strongest (not HEALTHIEST ) energy will  predominant in any interchange
8. Lack of centering and alignment with your energy makes it difficult to “shake off” feelings.

If our own energy is not strong and we are unaware of how energy moves in the environment and between people, we are vulnerable to negative impacts on our energy. The only way to be sure that we stay strong, healthy, and energized is to be aware, knowledgeable, and responsible for our own energetic self-care.  For me learning about how to manage my energy has become the foundation for my self care.
Maintaining and managing our own energy is the basis for personal power, strength, and freedom. It is a spiritual practice that nurtures the deepest love and respect for ourselves and others.

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