energy coherence

Energy Coherence: Tips to Create a Healthy, Flowing Aura

Energy coherence: awareness and positive management enhances the flow and strength of our energy field and also gives us more options for problem resolution and living a whole hearted life.

  • Each strong thought or emotion also creates a reaction in our aura
  • Strong emotions, fears, & stress reactions vibrate more intensely through our field
  • Blocks in energy flow cut us off from higher level functioning
  • What we think about and feel affects way we pattern energy w/in the body
  • Habitual negative patterns-thought/feeling involve one or all of the layers of the aura
  • Subtle negative reactions over time affects all facets of the energy field

Changing thought patterns takes persistence

Changing emotional patterns takes will and strength

Directly addressing the energy field creates change with ease

Energy Coherence Positively Affects Health and Emotional Well-Being
When we know how our field is disturbed then we can introduce a healthy pattern e.g. add color, change frequency, develop coherence, process emotions, or shift belief patterns to assist with healing or avoid illness. We can physically bring in new energy at the pre- cellular level and create new patterns.

As we work with our field enhancing its strength and coherency, we’re not locked in to energy patterns unconsciously. This means we can adapt to circumstances and flow with life more easily. This ability provides us with a true sense of empowerment and inner peace in addition to the health benefits! This ability is particularly valuable in relationships and when dealing with change, grief or loss.



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