energetic interaction

Energetic Interaction and Relationships

Energetic Interaction and Healing
Energy healing benefits us in many ways but one often overlooked advantage of energy awareness is how our relationships are impacted by our energy fields (auras). To begin to understand this we need to become aware of some “aura basics”.

Characteristics of the Aura and and Energetic Interaction
Every aura has its own individual frequency
When the frequencies of two people are near each other, there is rapport
Auras of dissimilar frequency result in discomfort or agitation
First impressions are often based on how auras harmonize
Various fields may or may not resonate well with each other
Dissonance between people can harmonize over time

We can learn to adjust and change the frequencies of our auras with awareness and practice-   a sort of shape-shifting that allows us to adjust to different environments and people. To be conscious of this process is to keep our center in the deepest sort of way. It is a matter of deep self-care, healthy protection. It is when we are unconscious that we are impacted negatively.

A Relationship Primer: Types of Energetic Interaction
We  constantly give off and absorb energy due to energy’s electromagnetic properties. An exchange of energy occurs each time we come into contact with one another.

We interact with one another via our energy harmonic induction, streamers, chords. Harmonic induction is a kind of entrainment between fields. An important thing to remember about harmonic induction or entrainment is that the stronger energy is the one that will draw other energies around it to its level. So it is not necessarily the healthiest energy that has the greatest influence. We can all recall experiences where we started in a great mood but after “exposure” to certain people, places or things felt very different!
In the case of energy streamers…these typically flow with positive energy while chords tend to have an agenda attached but are also present in close intimate relationships.
Our energy exists on an electromagnetic spectrum with the electrical properties being giving and the magnetic absorbing. The more people we are around the more energy is exchanged. The longer or more intimate contact we have, the greater the exchange.

We leave imprints on each other, objects and our environment with our energy. This helps us understand the breaking in periods for new things, the comfort of security blankets, and the use of prayer shawls. The more we are exposed to certain patterns the more we are affected by them.

The more we know about energy and how it responds between people the greater influence we have in reducing stress, creating peaceful, loving interactions and enhancing our health, inner peace and harmony.