Crack the Energy Code for Stress Management

5-17 Post and Rope IMG_4959 (Small)Our energy is our power. Dissipating it or binding it in negativity renders us powerless.

When we encounter stress of any kind we are inclined to increase, decrease or freeze our energy. An increase or excess of energy to cope is manifested as a pattern of overcompensation for fear or weakness. We see this in individuals who dominate situations and people. On the surface this may look like a powerful approach. However, internally the excessive energy required to accomplish this behavioral style tends to become stagnate and create problems for the individual in whatever area of the body the excess has accumulated.

A decrease in energy or a freezing response is manifested in withdrawal in order to avoid conflict or challenge. This deficient energy state results in a feeling of being unable to cope, or have what it takes to work through situations, hence retreat is chosen. Unfortunately this often has the consequence of reinforcing the original state and the person experiences even more of a sense of emptiness, restriction, and uselessness.

Developing subtle energy competency, E.G. being in touch with and consciously managing your energy, allows you to keep your energy flowing and balanced so you can remain empowered, healthy and effective in whatever circumstances you encounter in life.

All the products in our store can help learn how to engage your subtle energy system to develop and maintain your personal power.
