How Chakras Behave
The strength, flow and frequency of your energy system determine your overall mental and physical health. Disruptions in flow or balance can create pain in mind, body or emotions and sometimes all three! When a chakra is disrupted or damaged, or a meridian is blocked, energy flow is compromised, the frequency of the associated auric layer becomes distorted and the aura contracts. This prevents the chakra from performing optimally and eventually the other structures within that area of the body are affected
Disruptions of flow: How do they occur?
When we are stressed or threatened, our flow of energy is increased to prepare for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results in living with an energetic contradiction of activation and inhibition. An influx of energy at times of stress is a defense that allows us to survive and function in the short term. It is not meant to be a permanent condition.
If trauma or stress is repeated over time with no safe place to release and discharge the energy, it becomes frozen. This condition of frozen intensity is known as tonic immobility or the freeze response. A portion of the energy gets locked in the trauma and the full, free expression of our whole selves is inhibited. This can happen with either overwhelming trauma or through low level but chronic repetitive stress.
Damage to our energy can also occur through physical injury, emotional hurt, or lack of attention to a particular part of our selves: E.G. overdeveloping the intellect to the detriment of the emotional body—common in our culture.
Damage to the energy system manifests in limited belief systems, conditioned responses, restrictive and exhausting habits. Changing limiting beliefs and balancing the energy system helps to release reactive, conditioned responses. Energy is returned to the system and it is easier to develop new more powerful approaches to life’s challenges.
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