Category: spirituality
Is Resistance Keeping You in Pain?
Resistance is normal…human even. If we had no resistance to anything we would be in big trouble! Resistance can save us from danger. However this protective mechanism is often overworked keeping us stuck in patterns and places we do not want to be! Our energy field offers us clues about our resistance as well as…
Energy Drains: 7 Tips for Protection
Here are some tips on energy management and protecting yourself from energy drains
How Does Your Spiritual Nature Operate in Your Life?
Recognizing your spiritual nature:[caption id="attachment_14980" align="alignleft" width="200"] A Higher Perspective by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Physicists Explain How Consciousness May Live in Quantum State After Death
Does consciousness live on after death?
4 Tips for a Strong 2016
Your thoughts, powered by emotion, organize energy. Fear is a powerful organizer…
Holding a space for Reality VS Bliss Tripping
This video includes an excellent discussion re: spiritual bypassing that we discussed in the previous blog post. Many points that are part of our human experience are discussed in relationship to our spiritual journey –our stories, cellular memory, the up and down of healing/progress and spiritual development, and learning how to be responsive to our…