Category: energy
How can Acceptance Promote Inner Ease, Health and Well Being?
Acceptance is one of those feelings that are grossly misunderstood. Acceptance does not mean passivity or the condoning of violent or malicious acts. Acceptance merely means [caption id="attachment_12366" align="alignleft" width="245"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How Can You Recognize Resistance that Saps Energy and Adds to Stress?
This chart may help you become more aware of when you are resisting or flowing!
6 Simple Steps for Your Health: Support Immunity, Build Resiliency and Reduce Stress
As the pace of the holiday busyness picks up, remember to take steps to replenish your energy so you can enjoy all there is to experience… fully in the present moment… building new memories to store in your heart. [caption id="attachment_13977" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Gratitude: How to Improve Heart and Brain Health and FEEL Good!
Practicing feeling gratitude opens the deepest doors of your heart so a deeper resonance can emerge, rippling out to touch every facet of your existence. [caption id="attachment_13894" align="alignleft" width="320"] Pumpkin Harvest by Sonia’s View[/caption]
A Quick Heart Centered Practice for Stress
In a time of such complexity we need many tools to deal with stress. A daily meditation practice helps build resiliency, but we also need quick, in the moment methods to use throughout the day. This is one that helps to clear our nervous system but also helps build better communication between heart and brain…
How to move out of ego into peace and wholeness
Ego-Mind and the Heart Chakra The lower self or ego-mind correlates with the first three chakras. Unbalanced energies there manifest in preoccupations anchored in fear, misdirected passion, power struggles and identity problems. Developing the Observer Self and the Heart Chakra we can heal the lower chakra energies and move into higher states of consciousness. The…