Category: Chakras
How Can the Brow Chakra Help You Through Transition and Change?
[caption id="attachment_10654" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] The Brow Chakra can be of great assistance during times of transition and change since it is the seat of judgment, intelligence, sense of reality, rationality and wisdom. However if the brow chakra is out of balance we may not have access to all these abilities to…
7 Tips for Developing Sharper Intuition
Our intuition is a great ally in every area of our lives. It can be of enormous help both at home and work. It can help you make better choices/decisions, improve relationships, enhance your spiritual connection, open up greater creativity and in general make life more enjoyable, exciting and happy![caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" class="zemanta-img"] Intuition…
What Determines Your Power of Choice and Style of Communication?
The throat chakra as the others can have an imbalance with too much or too little energy. Physically trouble with the neck, ears, shoulders, thyroid, or parathyroid can occur. The information that follows gives a clearer picture of what happens when this chakra is not well developed or balanced.
Throat Chakra: Communication, Pure Consciousness, Listening and Choice
This post discusses the positive and negative signs of an unbalanced throat chakra as well as the advantages of coherent energy in this energy center.
You Can Navigate Change with Ease
One of the areas of change mentioned was that of competition VS cooperation. Simply this can be seen as a move from ego centric to heart centered. However we are complex beings with deep interconnections that are affected as we make a move or a change in our lives.