Category: Caregiver Stress
Brief Meditation for Stress, Inner Peace and Strength
Our Hearts Can HelpOur hearts may be strained now but our hearts can also be a source of peace and strength if we engage it consciously. We all need all the help we can get these days to be able to deal with all the stress, strain and change that the Corona Virus has triggered.…
Self Care Tip for Letting Go of Judgement, Irritability and Anger
Self Care Skill #1: Broadening PerspectiveWe have all heard the idea that what irritates us in others is something that we embody. I suspect there is some truth in that , but my experience suggests that there’s a viewpoint that offers a broader perspective. For instance, if you encounter a bully the issue may not…
A Brief Meditation to Let go, Release and Relax
In this time of extreme stress it can be hard to find a respite from intense feelings, the noise and trauma of the news cycle and our concerns about the future. It is super important to create space to release, relax and let go so we have the energy to bring to those things that…
Remedies for Anxiety and Stress: Centering and Grounding to Create Safety, Security and Stillness
Centering and Grounding Help Reduce Stress and Build ResilienceEmbodying our energy is important at anytime for our health and well-being. At this time in our lives it is even more critical as we deal with unprecedented amounts and types of stress. This video contains information about centering and grounding to explain why/how it is is…
7 Steps to Deal with Grief, Stress and Loss
Grief and loss: unwanted but natural During this time of the Covid 19 crisis there are many feelings arising naturally. One are that may not be immediately apparent is grief. Our way of life, jobs, community interaction, patterns of daily living, and so much more has been disrupted. Within these very necessary changes are a…