Category: Caregiver Stress
A Quick Heart Centered Practice for Stress
In a time of such complexity we need many tools to deal with stress. A daily meditation practice helps build resiliency, but we also need quick, in the moment methods to use throughout the day. This is one that helps to clear our nervous system but also helps build better communication between heart and brain…
How to identify your individual stressors and develop healthy self care
Self care and StressStress! We all have it, but do we have an effective approach to managing it that keeps us sane and healthy?To effectively manage stress we must have a clear picture of how it is affecting our body and mind and have targeted methods to respond appropriately to the symptoms we are having.…
Coherence: Energy Patterns that Help to Release Stress and Improves Self Care
Bringing coherence to the energy patterns in the heart benefit our health, happiness and capacity to create a positive life experience. To create coherence, in addition to using techniques that focus on the heart’s energy, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. Since none of us are…
When we don’t listen to stress: what we know about stress and dementia
We’ve Known How to Combat Dementia For Years — We’re Just Not Listening Reprinted from Kyle Fuller in Medium July 17,2020 We’re still waiting for that shiny pill to cure us. What if we never find it? For years, I researched in and out of the lab. I took classes about the brain and dementia.…
Transforming Fear, Anxiety and Stress: Approaches That Can Help
We encounter fear as a natural part of life. Sometimes our fears are small and easily managed, other times they are large and threaten to overwhelm us. Our fear can present as a very clear total body-mind reaction or it may cloak itself in anxiety or stress. During times of great change or challenge many…
Empaths, Auras, and Managing Energy
Empaths and Energy Signatures Our aura is composed of many layers of energy each representing an aspect of our being and consciousness. Each of us has an energetic signature. Similar to our thumbprint this is a representation of our uniqueness, our individuality. It is my belief that our basic signature energy equips us to deal…