Building & Strengthening Energy

Common sense methods help to build and strengthen our energy. Sunlight, exercise, fresh air, healthy food, eating less and more frequently are all general approaches we can use to impact our energy in a positive way. In addition, methods such as Aromatherapy, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and breathwork are more specific practices that contribute in a positive way to develop and fortify our energy. There are also many other tools and techniques you can learn and easily integrate into your life to restore and rejuvenate your energy.

Generally our energy is a product of genetics, food, environment and universal energy. Our modern way of life has become reliant on only food and respiration as an energy source. Digesting food and our typical methods of breathing are actually inefficient means of acquiring energy.

We have forgotten how to absorb energy directly into and through our energy field. Our vibratory frequency has lowered as a result. This is a strong contributor to our problems with stress, fatigue and illness. Stress impacts our system, but the converse is also true: when our energy is compromised we have a more difficult time responding to life in a strong and positive manner, displaying what has been labeled “stress hardiness”.

Consider the amount of energy you spend everyday. Then consider the amount you replenish through healthy relationships, food, activity, environment, deep relaxation and restorative practices (energy based practices). Do you think you have an abundance or a deficit?

When we do not care for our energy we deplete it from our stores. It is then that illness and problems can take hold. Just as our bodies get nourishment from food, so our auras can and need to receive nourishment.

Awareness of how we are mis-spending our energy is a first step to restoring and strengthening it. What are some ways that you could shift your habits to embrace more energy positive practices?

Next time: Things that weaken & deplete energy: